Ensure WIOA Success
Meet the demands of WIOA with a focus on rigorous academic preparation, civics knowledge, career readiness, and technology integration at all levels and areas of instruction. CCR and ELP Standards are incorporated into the Burlington curriculum at every level, to provide a foundation for academic rigor.

General English
Transform Your Classroom with an Innovative Curriculum
BurlingtonEnglish is a comprehensive, blended curriculum that fully integrates all four skills, grammar, and life skills from beginning to advanced levels. The flexible, web-based curriculum combines teacher-led instruction with online independent student lessons that complement and reinforce concepts taught in class. The program has everything teachers need for instruction in any learning environment – on-site, online, or hybrid/blended.
Workforce Readiness
Provide Students with the Tools to Obtain and Maintain a Job
Burlington’s comprehensive suite of online, standards-based courses helps programs stay WIOA focused, with an emphasis on Integrated Education and Training (IET) and Integrated English and Civics Education (IELCE). Burlington’s blended curriculum promotes academic preparation, civics knowledge, career readiness, and technology integration at all levels and areas of instruction. With BurlingtonEnglish, teachers have all the resources they need to prepare students for post-secondary education and entry into the workforce.

Prepare Every Student for a Targeted Career Course of Study
With BurlingtonEnglish, teachers can create a step-by-step plan to meet every student’s IET/IELCE needs. Burlington courses promote the development of essential digital skills for success in today’s workforce. They provide students with the contextualized language, communication, and employability skills needed to help them attain, succeed in, or transition to a new career.
Test Preparation
Test-taking Success
Increase Confidence to Boost Measurable Skill Gains
Burlington’s test preparation course provides teachers with the tools and resources to target instruction for student mastery of CASAS competencies and content standards. Practice tests help students prepare for the standardized test to improve test scores and demonstrate learning gains.

EL Civics
Educate Students to Become Empowered Members of Their Community
BurlingtonEnglish integrates EL Civics content into the curriculum to help students improve language proficiency and gain important life skills. With a variety of lessons including U.S. citizenship, housing, and healthcare, teachers can be confident that students will be prepared to fully participate as active members of their community.
Digital Literacy
Incorporate Digital Skills for Students at Every Level
Burlington’s digital platform contextualizes digital literacy skills for all students, from beginning literacy to advanced levels. Integrating technology with learning equips learners with the essential employment and digital literacy skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce.